eg. 'Car' Laguna Model-S W[m] 1.7 1.9 L[m] 4.6 5.0 H[m] 1.4 1.4 M[kgs] 1600 2200 [kWh/km] 0.61 0.16 Ec[kWh] 650 75 S[km] 1000 460 Petrol/diesel cars need phasing out for battery electric. There is 10kWh of energy in a litre of fuel but an engine rejects half this as heat - a ten gallon fuel tank holds 450kWh of energy;an affordable battery say 45kWh - range anxiety is of concern and larger batteries are typically heavy and expensive - larger batteries take longer to charge so require more chargers to reduce waiting eg.'Truck' US Diesel TeslaSemi Pay[t] 25 24 GVW[t] 36 36 [kWh/km] 3.0 1.24 [kWh/tkm] 0.12 0.053 Ec[kWh] 45000 600 S[km] 3400 485 50% efficiency improvement simply by not generating heat locally. But real gains are to be made by cutting primary losses, platooning and reducing tare weight. Diesel trucks need tethering to electric or to carry batteries The energy in a 1000 litre fuel tank is 10 MWh; Tesla's semi has 0.6-1 MWh - assuming 0.3kWh/kg the batteries weigh 2.0-3.3t; motors etc. 0.25t - engine & tank removed 2t. Here, loss in payload going electric is below 10% BladeRunner platform & Guided Power Transfer - Low height platform carries swap-bodies for combined transport chains - Maximises efficiency with both steel rail wheels and rubber road tyres - Maximises payload with both consolidation and collaboration - Safer platooning with rails cab-under design 'bike friendly' - no blind spots comfortable - driver 'feels' motion of the load 'road/rail' pivotal bogies - quieter, safer, & more stable - less load transfer, better braking - impossible to jackknife - leans in around corners - parallel (crab) parking eg. 'pods' Ultra Smart eq W[m] 1.5 1.65 L[m] 3.7 2.7 H[m] 1.8 1.55 GWV[kgs] 1300 1100 [kWh/km] 0.61 0.13 Ec[kWh] 12.8 17.6 S[km] 20 120 PRT pods & cityCars : (PIER) plug-in en-route BladeRunner moves cityCars over longer distances in privacy & in comfort - electric is available to charge up while travelling at highway speeds. - chair lift moves between the vehicles and the service area at the front - unlimited travel, reduced congestion, more efficient & no range anxiety GPT sections are 20m long with - wireless power transfer panels - continuously welded steel rails - high voltage power cables Panels can be exchanged Rails can be inverted Fully automated (installation and maintenance) BR vehicles deliver panels and remove planings Guided power transfer (GPT) Solar & wind peak during the day Storing this energy to charge cars later uses up key backup capacity and doubles the battery's 'round trip' losses. Scotch Corner 2031 BladeRunner(PIER) Motorway junctions of the near future Halve the cars on the motorway and reduce urban congestion by a swap to electric cityCars. Install GPT each way along 3600km of the GB motorway network at a cost of £21.6bn and save 4.75GW or more of generation capacity. Savings are in perpetuity and will reduce the tax burden for generations. Plug-in enroute charging for cityCars going 20km or more. Travel on rails in a safe, efficient, resilient and affordable system. Easy access from more than 600 junctions. Three loading ramps (West, North & South) are shown with access from the inner lane of the roundabout just for cityCars. Tunnel access for pedestrians, cyclists, freight pods and for PRT vehicles like 'Ultra'. With 6 carBuses travelling at 100km/hr in a platoon (600vph) and one in ten use the junction, the dwell time is one minute. With two loading positions available per ramp and vehicles able to switch between spare ramps on the same or nearby junctions up to 7200 cars/hour can be dropped off or picked up within a 5km radius.Autopilot allows the cityCars to negotiate the designated inner lanes around junctions and switch directions to create an automated 'driverless' network. Optimise Freight: a new International loading unit (ILU) Increase the load length by 0.43m from 7.82 to 8.25m and carry two extra pallets. Carry one of these half sized loading units on a rigid delivery vehicle, two on artics and three on interlink combinations. Build consolidation parks near junctions where bodies can be paired up for the long haul on tethered electric BladeRunner platforms. Drop off the carBus bodies locally, ready for the home run, and move freight to balance flows during off peak periods. Loads could moved to and from the continent on 60-foot railcars, or unaccompanied on ferries, then individually on artics or on 'long-short' combinations for the final drop. A niche development process - time permitting The prototype carBuses can load from laybys and parking areas and can be used to initiate and adapt to demand changes before the infrastructure is complete. These same vehicles can also provide feeder services along the branchlines and around rural areas where dwell times can be longer and traffic flows are much lower. Also, in these areas or when traffic flows drop off elsewhere, transporting a half sized body for passengers and a freight unit together would be more efficient and more productive. Vehicle Tesla model 3 Smart eq carBus Train (ABB) kWh/km 0.1473 0.130 0.682 Seats 4 2 24 Passenger 1.2 1.2 14.4 Wh/ 36.8 65.0 28.4 30 Wh/ 122.8 108.3 47.4 52 Energy intensity target Assumption: primary losses (50% rolling, 50% aerodynamic) Tesla's truck carBus No of Cars/carBus cityCar (effective) 1.24 kWh/km 0.682 kWh/km (-40% Rail -5% Platoon) 2 6 12 0.34 0.11 0.06 kWh/km Uniti consumes 0.08kWh/km Better performance requires 'enabling' standards. Big industry has dragged it's heels and convinced a succession of governments that they could not possibly move more quickly. The trade press used to challenge the manufacturers and hold them to task. Who can now be relied on to advise government. Universities promote their own research above practical solutions. European Modular System (EMS) is sub-optimal and outdated. We now need radically better transport and not more of the same. Key example: the benefits are in perpetuity Title: BladeRunner- guided power transfer & cityCar charging service. Aim: Introduce a step change in safety and sustainability. Hypothesis: with 50% of car traffic moved to BladeRunner transporters the traffic flow and energy intensity should both improve. Method: set up a range of traffic flow conditions and then introduce a 50% carBus usage. Record changes in key performance indicators. Results: the traffic speed increases as does the average power consumed. The energy intensity is lower while cityCars are also being charged in transit and the congestion and stop start driving is much improved. Discussion: the energy saved per kilometer is significant. If scaled up to cover the GB motorway network of 3600km and expanded to include freight and passenger services, a power station the size of Hinkley Point-C need not be built. Extend the network to airports and freight terminals along the major A-class roads and climate targets can be met. Title: Date: Aim of investigation: what are your trying to find out? Hypothesis: What do you predict? Method: How are you going to proceed? - variables to set (then keep the same) - the one variable to be changed during the tests Results: Discussion: 0 Work Heat N m Joules Journey Force Speed Power Work done SOC -pick- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 km kN m/s kW kWh % 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 [kWh] Heat rejected(1/η-1) Radiation (5%) Cooling system (54%) Exhaust gases (41%) Process & Distribution (1-ψ)/η Energy Input (2-ψ)/η Microsimulation - BladeRunner

Car Truck CarBus CityCar Calculator Sim_Tour Help Experiments

Variable Adjustment Units
Truck Fraction
Max Accel. (a)
BR Usage
BR Cars
Max Speed (v)
Time Gap (T)
Min Gap (s)
Comf Decel (b)
Intensity variables: Pas , L , Load
State of Charge, Soc = 1-( Eu- Ei )/ Ec